
VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK (WESTCHESTER COUNTY) NY: A lawsuit claims Louise Dunaway, 75, a 30-year village court clerk; her husband Douglas, 76; and son, Michael have been disrupting their Hispanic neighbors, with an “unrelenting” six-year campaign of stalking, spitting, cursing and filming them.
“I’m going to get my gun and kill your sp-c ass, and your wife and newborn child,” Michael Dunaway, 55, allegedly shouted at Staub Court, a dead-end private street, according to Manhattan Federal Court papers.
Michael Dunaway, who was arrested this week for violating an order of protection by dumping human urine on his neighbor’s property.
Because Michael’s mother, Louise, is well known at the courthouse both Mamaroneck Village Justices, Daniel Gallagher and Christie Derrico, recused themselves from presiding over the case and a Village Justice from Irvington traveled to Mamaroneck to preside.
Bail was set at $2500 and Dunaway was released under an order of protection to keep away from the victims.
Michael Dunaway’s next court date is scheduled for July 25th at Village Hall in Irvington, 85 Main Street.…
Police records also report that Michael Dunaway has physically accosted at least two residents of the block.
Michael Dunaway spits on the Deleon and Gehring’s properties daily; throws dog poop, urine and garbage on his neighbors’ lots; shines neon lights in their windows; records them as they enter or leave their homes, and constantly throws stones, according to the lawsuit on the behalf of Jason and Ana Deleon and Walter Gehring and his Peruvian wife, Ariela.
Court papers further state Michael Dunaway once laid down on the Deleon’s front steps to keep them from going inside.
The lawsuit also alleges the defendants “have chanted “White Supremacy! White Supremacy!” outside the homes of Hispanic families on Staub Court, and subject Plaintiffs and their families, friends, tenants, and others who have come to visit them to a daily barrage of racial epithets and slurs.
The Dunaways filed many false complaints against the Deleons and the Gehrings, and frequently hug the Mamaroneck village police officers who respond to their calls, says said attorney Brian Cohen, who represents the Deleons and Gehrings.
The Deleons and Gehrings have requested a Jury Trial in U.S. District Court and are seeking unspecified damages.
Louise Dunaway, passed away July 16, 2022, so it is assumed the lawsuit will attempt to seek damages from her estate.…