
SCARSDALE (WESTCHESTER COUNTY) NY: Scarsdale’s Scouts BSA (formerly known as the Boy Scouts) Troop 4 is pleased to announce that this fall, it will have a girls’ linked troop for the first time.
This will be the second municipality in Westchester that has a girls troop linked with BSA. Tuckahoe was the first one in Westchester.
Scarsdale Troop 4 accepts boys and girls from any Westchester municipalities.
Scarsdale’s Cub Scout Pack 440 (K-5th grade) started accepting girls in 2019 as soon as BSA nationally started accepting girls.
Any interested girl from Westchester is encouraged to join the troop.
Girls in Troop 4 will design and lead their own activities.
Additionally, they will participate in some events with the boys in the troop.
Troop 4’s regular meetings are on Monday evenings.
In 2021, Rebecca Gilder, of White Plains, became the first female Eagle Scout in Westchester County.
Together with Scarsdale’s Cub Scout Pack 440, Troop 4 will host two recruiting events on Sept. 18 (outdoor games and sports) and Oct. 23 (pumpkin carving).
Any rising sixth through 11th graders interested in joining Scarsdale’s Troop 4 may contact Scoutmaster Ted Mazza.
Please visit Troop 4’s website and Facebook page for more information.
Overcast , with a high of 48 and low of 36 degrees. Overcast during the morning, clear overnight.