
WHITE PLAINS (WESTCHESTER COUNTY) NY: The County Health Department learned today that this season’s first batch of mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus in Westchester was identified in Rye.
The area surrounding the positive mosquito batches is being inspected by the Health Department, and catch basins that need it are being treated to protect against further mosquito breeding nearby.
To date, this is the first positive out of 101 batches of mosquitoes collected in Westchester that were tested for West Nile Virus by the New York State Department of Health. It was collected on July 26. Last year, the first positive batch in Westchester was collected in Westchester on July 13.
The Health Department prepared for the mosquito season by educating the public through news releases, flyers, social media and the County website, where a report on mosquito control and surveillance can be found on the West Nile Virus page.
The Health Department also gave 250 pounds of free fathead minnows to residents with ponds to reduce the mosquito population. The minnows reduce the mosquito population by feeding on larvae and pupae before they emerge into adult mosquitoes.
Throughout the season, the Department also traps and tests mosquitoes to track the presence of mosquito-borne viruses in the County. Last year, West Nile Virus was identified in 4 local mosquito batches out of 153 submitted for testing and three people were diagnosed with West Nile Virus.
West Nile Virus infection most often causes a mild or moderate flu-like illness, but can be more serious particularly for people 60 and older, and those with other health complications.
To reduce the chances for mosquitoes to breed and bite around your home, follow these tips:
Residents who notice large areas of standing water on public property should report them to the Westchester County Department of Health at (914) 813-5000.