
PORT CHESTER (TOWN OF RYE) NY: The development of the 2022 Comprehensive Plan revision is intended to be a village wide effort, where all interest persons or groups should have a part in determining what this vision should be.
The Village of Port Chester’s Board of Trustees is seeking to appoint a group of concerned citizens, Planning Board members, and Zoning Board of Appeals members to sit on the Comprehensive Plan Revision Committee and may further engage the services of professional consultants to help develop this update to the Comprehensive Plan.
The first phase of the process may include the collection of available data on the social and physical aspects of the Village while engaging citizen participation.
After analyzing all existing data and taking input from the citizenry into consideration, goals and objectives will be developed.
These goals and objectives will form the foundation of and updated Comprehensive Plan.
All village residents who are interested in joining the Comprehensive Plan Revision Committee are asked to submit a cover letter and resume for consideration by the Board of Trustees through the Village Clerk’s office.
Electronic submissions should be sent directly to Village Clerk Janusz using
The Village of Port Chester will collect resumes from interested parties until Wednesday March 30, 2022.
The committee shall have a total membership of 15 people.
Although there is no requirement for individual members to have significant experience in planning or zoning, applicants who do possess a working knowledge of architecture, construction, communications, strategic planning, or engineering are encouraged to apply.