
YONKERS (WESTCHESTER COUNTY) NY: For the first time in more than 10 years, The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers will be opening its waiting list for Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) for affordable housing.
MHACY is seeking to add 3,000 people to its waiting list for affordable housing vouchers.
The vouchers are provided through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and subsidize rental units in market rate buildings for income-qualifying tenants.
The deadline for residents to apply for the list is July 13. A public lottery will be held on August 2 and 3 to draw the names of those who will be eligible to receive vouchers as they become available.
Pre-applications for vouchers are being accepted through July 13 at MHACY’s Central Office at 1511 Central Park Avenue and can be mailed there but must be postmarked by July 13th at 11:59 pm. The pre-applications can be found on the MHACY website at They can also be picked up at the following locations during office hours:
Pre applicants must be income eligible. To meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requirements families’ incomes must not exceed the following:
Family size:
1 person – $48,550
2 people – $55,450
3 people – $62,400
4 people – $69,300
5 people – $74,850
6 people – $80,400
7 people – $85,950
8 people – $91,500
If the applicant has a disability and requires a reasonable accommodation to submit a pre-application, they can call MHACY at 914-517-1184.
The Municipal Housing Authority for the City of Yonkers (MHACY) is the largest provider of affordable housing in the City of Yonkers and the second largest public housing authority in New York State.
For more information visit
SOURCE: Yonkers Newswire Editor MaryAnn McCarra
James Nolan was one of two Westchester County legislators who voted against a bill protecting patients and health care providers from being harassed at women's reproductive health clinics.…