News Tip

2022 ELECTIONS: Yonkers Council Minority Leader Mike Breen Announces Run For NYS Assembly

Yonkers City Council Minority Leader Mike Breen announced that he will be seeking the NYS Assembly seat in the 90th District.

Breen said he was running because Albany has turned its back on the needs of ordinary families.

Breen stated, that as a Councilman for 10+ years he hears every day the frustrations of residents. 

Breen noted, “New York taxes are skyrocketing, costly inflation is choking off economic growth pushing our families, small businesses to the brink. Hundreds of thousands of fed-up new Yorkers have already fled the state. These high taxes hit hardest our Seniors and folks on fixed incomes who are forced to move away leaving families and grandkids behind."

Breen went on to express his concerns about Albany’s latest reckless scheme which is the planned takeover of local zoning.

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